Friday, October 28, 2011

iPhone Game Programming: How to Create a Sprite Sheet Animation using 3DS Max and Cocos2D

This page under construction!
I just started posting this long tutorial this morning... come back tomorrow and it should be finished.


In this tutorial, I will show you how to
  • create the simple animation loop shown below using 3DS Max
  • convert your rendered animation image sequence to a sprite sheet 
  • create an iPhone app to play the animation
Here's the iPhone animation that we made in our first iPhone Game Programming class yesterday.  This is a screen capture video of the sprite sheet animation running in the iPhone sumulator in XCode.  

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

New Game Programming Class starts July 14

The next game programming class starts on July 14.  In the next class I decided to teach iPhone game software programming.  This will be mostly a software programming class.   But I plan to spend half of each class playing network games.  So, game beta testers are welcome!

Here's the class advertisements for the next two 6-week class sessions.  Notice that the class that starts on June 2 is on creating Anime-style videos.  The game programming class starts right after that one.